
    Tokugawa Ieyasu was born in Okazaki, Aichi Prefecture in 1542.  At that time, many Sengoku Daimyo were fighting all over Japan.  So, it was called the Sengoku Period. 

    Ieyasu was a hostage of the Imagawa family.  However, after Imagawa Yoshimoto was defeated by Oda Nobunaga at the Battle of Okehazama in 1560, Ieyasu worked with Nobunaga to expand his territory.  Later, he won the Battle of Sekigahara and opened the Edo Shogunate.

    Ieyasu was a patient person.  There is a famous senryu, or short poem: “If the lesser cuckoo does not sing, wait until it sings.” 




   家康は忍耐(にんたい)強い人でした。 有名な川柳(せんりゅう)、すなわち短い詩として、次のようなものがあります。「鳴かぬなら鳴くまで待とうホトトギス」


Q1. 戦国時代は、外国との戦争が激しかった。 False

Q2. 家康は信長と協力して戦った。True

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